How we take control of our food waste

The first compost zone

Walking through the streets of Merida on a sunny day in November, we noticed a small garden behind a preschool in the city. In a corner of the garden they had a hole where they threw some organic waste. When we saw it, the first thing that crossed our mind was to propose to the preschool the creation of a suitable community composting area, so that they could produce the necessary compost for the garden and at the same time promote composting in the community.

The preschool teachers were very interested in the proposal, having been prepared as environmental promoters and being aware of the need to make sustainable changes that allow us to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change, they welcomed our proposal.

After holding a meeting in December with staff from the educational circuit of the city, the date of the meeting where we would present the program to the parents of the preschool children was finally set. And so, at the end of January the program was presented, its reception was positive and from there the first community composting zone of ​​our project began.

Currently despite quarantine we continue composting, receiving food waste from some people in the community and hoping that when the confinement situation ends we can finish the vermicomposting bin that we were preparing and thus be able to encourage more people to join the composting process. So that less waste ends up in the streets or the already collapsed landfill of the city and we can have at our disposal a nutritious substrate for our plants.

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